new web site

My new web site is under development, and is going live in January 2011.  On it, you will find events listings, book information, and some of my featured poems. My book store is now active!  All of my books, including limited-run chapbooks and my fictional novel, “The Delaney : Journey to Banba“, can be purchased...

Annabelle Moseley reading the Woman Poet's Roll-Call at AWP 2011


I’ve just returned from the 2011 AWP (The Association of Writers & Writing Programs) Annual Conference and Bookfair. The highlight of AWP, for me, was participating in a Saturday morning panel: The Mezzo Cammin Women Poets Timeline Project.

10 Hero Fables

10 Hero Fables

10 Hero Fables is a collection of children’s poems by Annabelle Moseley.  A fresh take on the genre of fables, those beast tales of morality that Aesop made famous, this book (perfect for children grades 5 and under) explores with fun poems and bright illustrations the adventures and trials of such lovable characters as the...

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