Welcome God's Beloved! I want to help you plan your life to be rooted in balance, nourished by the joys and sorrows. Yes... nourished, even by the sorrows. All the mysteries of our own lives can nourish us, if we offer them to God... in much the same way as all the mysteries of the Rosary nourish us.

My Personal Faith Journey
Born on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, I was baptized at the Church of St. Louis de Montford, a saint known for his special devotion to the Rosary. I take seriously these early calls in her life to spread devotion to the mysteries of the Rosary and how to align the sorrows and joys of our own lives to those of Jesus and His Mother. Raised on the North Shore of Long Island, and influenced by five generations of my family in an unforgettable red house I call “Our House of the Sacred Heart,” I am the creator of the Bethany Plan, which helps people find Balance in an unbalanced world and teaches the three pillars of Sacred Balance, Sacred Belonging and Sacred Beauty as a way to find the right equilibrium of work and prayer in our lives. I continue to witness to the lessons of faith I've learned, in my own home on the North Shore of Long Island where I reside with my husband and children, grateful for the domestic church we have built.
My Work
I'm an award-winning American poet, inventor of a new poetic form, the “mirror sonnet,” Professor of Theology, and the author of multiple books including Sacred Braille: The Rosary as Masterpiece through Art, Poetry and Reflections, which has received the Imprimatur, and has been honored as a Finalist for the 2020 Association of Catholic Publishers Awards in the category of Prayer. Sacred Braille has been transcribed into Braille through the Xavier Society for the Blind and made available for free to the visually impaired.
I have a Masters in Theology from The Seminary of the Immaculate Conception and am in formation with the Third Order Carmelites. I've served as Poet-in-Residence of the Stevenson Academy of Fine Arts, Writer-in-Residence of the Walt Whitman Birthplace, and 2014 Long Island Poet of the Year. My work as a poet is featured as one of five artists profiled in the 2019 Documentary Film, Masterpieces, about the vocational call of the arts. The film is available to view through Amazon Prime and Formed.org. My work has inspired collaborations with artists, been set to music by composers, and featured in anthologies, textbooks and such journals as Our Sunday Visitor, The New York Times, The National Review, and O: the Oprah Magazine.

Featured On
You can find more of my work on Relevant Radio, in Aleteia and Amazing Catechists, and I have been featured on Catholic Faith Network. I am also a member of Catholic Life Coaches.

Work With Me
Are you a busy Catholic looking to find the balance between prayer and work? Click the buttons below to learn more about booking me to speak at your parish, school, or conference; working with me one-on-one as a Catholic life coach; or reading my books or poetry on the subjects of sacred belonging, balance, and beauty.