Welcome to the Bethany Saint Finder Welcome to the Bethany Saint-Finder! Your Saint Awaits you! Please answer each question selecting the one most like you. (Not the aspirational you... or how you are "sometimes," but the one you feel best exemplifies you most often.) Pick the answer that best describes you. I am a worrier. I am easy going. Pick the answer that best describes you. I like to get dressed up nice even with no place fancy to go… I like to use the fine china on an everyday basis. Everyday is a special occasion! I reserve the fine china for truly special occasions and prefer comfortable attire most of the time. Pick the answer that best describes you. I am a list-maker, to keep myself on track. I am spontaneous in many aspects of my life. Pick the answer that best describes you. My prayer life is on a set schedule throughout the day and week. The flow of each day determines my prayer time. Pick the answer that best describes you. I try to find down-time to relax and recharge each day. My schedule rarely allows for down-time. Pick the answer that best describes you. I have experienced Eucharistic Adoration and love it. I avail myself of daily Mass and love it. Pick the answer that best describes you. I am physically active throughout my day. I am a thinker in my work and miss much physical activity. Pick the answer that best describes you. My work environment has order and a clean system. Disorder does not distract me from my work. Pick the answer that best describes you. I think about the past and reflect back, get nostalgic and sometimes regret. I am a positive thinker and like to look forward. Pick the answer that best describes you. I love to make people feel special. I love to pitch in and help others get things done. Pick the answer that best describes you. I am a doer. I am a dreamer, an ideas-person. Pick the answer that best describes you. I am creative. I am practical. Pick the answer that best describes you. I stand up for the little guy. I reflect. Pick the answer that best describes you. I take on a challenge with gusto. I search for the deeper meaning in things. Pick the answer that best describes you. I run out to meet my next adventure. I am a homebody. Pick the answer that best describes you. One or more of these activities brings me joy: cooking, gardening, organizing, crafting, making repairs. One or more of these activities brings me joy: reading, journaling, studying, designing, creating. Pick the answer that best describes you. I love to give gifts that show love, even if they’re a bit too expensive. I give through my time spent and my hard work. Pick the answer that best describes you. I am effusive with compliments. I am plain-spoken and selective with my praise. Pick the answer that best describes you. I work so hard. I don’t work hard enough. Pick the answer that best describes you. I love to entertain and have people over. I am fiercely loyal to those I love. Pick the answer that best describes you. I talk more than I listen. I listen more than I talk. Pick the answer that best describes you. I pray a lot. I forget to pray. Pick the answer that best describes you. I am always cleaning, arranging or getting things done. To be honest, I can be a bit messy, forgetful of my chores and ignore the dust and crumbs around me. Pick the answer that best describes you. I wish other people would help me more. I’m deeply aware of all God has given me and feel profoundly grateful. Pick the answer that best describes you. I love to read Scripture. I love to talk to God. Pick the answer that best describes you. I can get so easily absorbed in prayer that I don’t complete other plans. Days pass without a prayer said when I’m overwhelmed. Pick the answer that best describes you. If someone is coming over I can’t wait to listen to what’s new with them, and have a good chat. If someone is coming over I want to have delicious food at the ready. Pick the answer that best describes you. Words are very important. I use them to heal, comfort and boost others up. I help and heal more with my actions than with my words. Pick the answer that best describes you. I wish I were a better listener. I listen redemptively and compassionately. Pick the answer that best describes you. I enjoy viewing a stunning sunset, a beautiful work of art, noticing a finely decorated detail. I enjoy taking a swim, a run, a hike, or a bicycle ride. Pick the answer that best describes you. I’m always meeting new friends and I enjoy it. The best time is spent with the dearest and nearest. Pick the answer that best describes you. I am close with my family of origin. I’m considered (or I feel) like an outsider in my family of origin. Pick the answer that best describes you. I prefer to read books. I prefer to read the feed on my phone. Pick the answer that best describes you. I struggle with saying “No”. I struggle with saying “Yes”. Pick the answer that best describes you. The clock is my friend; it keeps me on tasks. I like alarms, and reminders. The clock is a pain, although I rarely notice it. Pick the answer that best describes you. My routine is tight and pre-scheduled and my obligations sustain me. Every day is different for me, depending on what the day brings; I’m in regular flux in my work and home life. Pick the answer that best describes you. I fit in with others and make my way in this world. I don’t easily fit in the world; my best fit is with God. Pick the answer that best describes you. I stay with those I love even when the going gets tough. I’d love to be at the foot of the cross, consoling. I love to cheer up those I love with a good meal and a glass of wine. They’re invited to my house whenever they need me. Pick the answer that best describes you. My public exterior life is more “together” than my private interior life. My private interior life is more “together” than my public exterior life. Pick the answer that best describes you. I work better than I pray. I pray better than I work. Pick the answer that best describes you. I would like Jesus to feel welcome in my home and heart. I would like Jesus to feel I have done a beautiful thing for Him. Pick the answer that best describes you. When I read about St. Martha I relate to her. When I read about St. Mary of Bethany I relate to her. Pick the answer that best describes you. I crave alone time. I crave support. Pick the answer that best describes you. I am energized by other people, gatherings, and events. I am recharged by time alone in contemplation. Pick the answer that best describes you. I see the intrinsic value in Sacred Beauty (high Catholic art, God’s creation such as fresh flowers, fine music, literature etc), but I don’t always remember to seek it out. I not only see the intrinsic value of Sacred Beauty; I intentionally seek it out. Pick the answer that best describes you. I belong to a supportive community. I don’t often feel the sense of belonging that I would like. Pick the answer that best describes you. I am aware of belonging to God. I forget sometimes to see the bigger picture of God in my life. Pick the answer that best describes you. I am anxious. I am trusting. Pick the answer that best describes you. I am defined by my work. My work does not define me. Ready to sendPlease provide your contact information to proceed.Email Address *First Name *Consent *Yes, I agree with the privacy policy and terms and conditions.Submit