Heart of Jesus, House of God and Gate of Heaven
In this lesson, Annabelle Moseley, poet; author; and Professor of Theology, leads Day 7 of the 33-Day “Our House of the Sacred Heart” Consecration and teaches “The Lesson of the Bow” as a real-life example of answering God’s call. Beautiful prayers, devotions, art, stories, scripture and poetry are included in this podcast that won’t take much of your time… but is time well-spent.
Reflection on Art
Today’s featured art is “Moses and Joshua in the Tabernacle” by James Tissot. Note that Moses and Joshua are on their knees before the Ark of the Covenant which was the only way they ever would have placed themselves before it… the tabernacle contained the ten commandments. St. James the Less was Jesus’s cousin and apostle and he had calluses on his knees from prostrating himself in prayer. What did St. James know that we could learn from? How, then should we respond before the Real Presence of Jesus?
Questions of the Day
- How have we responded to the Eucharist now that we’ve experienced the pandemic?
- Have we returned to our former way of life and stopped accompanying him, as the Scripture says? Or have our hearts been so affected by the months we are or have been unable to receive that we’re more on fire with love for Him than ever?
Download the prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus here if you’d like to save it or print it for reference!
Listen to Author Annabelle Moseley interviewed by Dr. Mary Anne Urlakis on her show “Vows, Vocations, and Promises: Discerning the Call of Love.” Hear Annabelle talk about what inspired her to write this book, what it was like to write it, why she decided to lead a Consecration to the Sacred Heart and answers to other intriguing questions.

Today’s Challenge
Think of how you might show a new level of humility and adoration the next time you’re in the Real Presence of Jesus. Consider Eucharistic Adoration or adding an extra day to attend Mass this week.
This lesson is also beautiful as it continues to implement opening our hearts in loving God and having that love returned ten fold. The model you demonstrate in the lessons you teach is progressive, passionate and inspirational.This helps us so much with our understanding of what God wants for us. Growth,knowledge wisdom and to share it with others
My love for the Eucharist has increased exponentially because I now know what it feels like to be deprived of receiving the Precious Body and Blood of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I pray that I will never again feel that longing, it was like being starved of the sustenance needed for my survival.