Heart of Jesus, Fountain of Life and Holiness
In this lesson, Annabelle Moseley, poet; author; and Professor of Theology, leads Day 21 of the 33-Day “Our House of the Sacred Heart” Consecration and teaches “The Lesson of the Sand Dollar” as a real-life example of answering the call. Beautiful prayers, devotions, art, stories, scripture and poetry are included in this podcast that won’t take much of your time… but is time well-spent.
Reflection on Art
the sand dollar I have found,
are marked with little holes
in your nature,
powdered and breakable.
I feel your beauty
as I trace the patterns of your face,
and hold you from the salty grip of beachcombers.
You have been picked up many times
but never kept.
There is a void in your center,
where you carry the memory of your source,
where you vaguely remember the water
running through your body.
You wait for me to drop you where I found you
I smooth away the gritty sediment
and see the strength in you
who have emerged from the ocean
and carry the journey on your face.
–Annabelle Moseley

Questions of the Day
- Are you a member of or facilitator of a faith group?How does it benefit you or others?
- Who have you rescued? Who have you helped to heal in some unique way – or who do you seek to help heal – with Our Lord’s assistance?
Today’s Challenge
Reach out to someone in need today.
Download the prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus here if you’d like to save it or print it for reference!
Listen to Author Annabelle Moseley interviewed by Dr. Mary Anne Urlakis on her show “Vows, Vocations, and Promises: Discerning the Call of Love.” Hear Annabelle talk about what inspired her to write this book, what it was like to write it, why she decided to lead a Consecration to the Sacred Heart and answers to other intriguing questions.
I pray every day that I will do what My Lord asks of me and to do it to the best of my ability. I place all my trust in Him, praying the Novena of Surrender everyday. I don’t want to come across as a “Holy Roller” but I do want the people I encounter to see the love I have for my God; not by what I say but more importantly by what I do. This is part of Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman’s prayer “Radiating Christ”. I pray that putting others first will keep me on the road of learning that charity is the “queen of virtues”. As pearls are held together by a string, so are all the virtues held together by charity. (St. Padre Pio)
Years ago while on the west coast of Puerto Rico I was wading in the ocean pushing my feet down into the soft sand of the ocean floor when I dug up a Sand Dollar. It was beige in color and round and there was a slight raised area at it’s nuclear. It is a beautiful part of the creative process seen in nature with God as the Architect. Let us see ourselves in life being an active part of helping and caring for all in need. When doing so we wear many hats. Facilitator,mediator,expeditor but always remembering our strength in caring and love comes from God.